OpenPlant Modeler Help

Adding Rebar to Panels and Walls

To add rebar to panels and walls:

  1. Do one of the followings:
    1. Select (Slab Reinforcing). The RebarSet Slab dialog opens.
    2. Select (Wall / Panel Rebarset). The Rebarset Wall Panel dialog opens.
  2. Use the Rebar Set / Wall Panel dialogs to set up rebar, end condition, option, and assignment information.
  3. Place reinforcement bars using one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Select Concrete to Create RebarSet On your model, click on the panel that you want to reinforce
    Select the Smartline to Create RebarSet On your model, click on the panel, then on a predrawn that defines the area you want to reinforce on the panel
    Select the Points to Create RebarSet On your model, click to select points (on your panel) that form the boundaries of the area you want to reinforce
    You can also add reinforcement to MicroStation Solid with circular openings or having curved cuts.
  4. If required, right click to accept your selection. The rebarset displays in your panel or wall.
  5. Click OK to apply your settings and close the dialog.